Data Appending & Validation

Business Data Supply Services

Boosting Conversions

Infiscript provides thorough, outcome-oriented data via its Business Data Supply Services. Our audience, business, and outreach plan needs are all taken into consideration when creating our targeted business mailing lists. Utilizing our direct mailing list services can help you lock in prospects and achieve success!

A major aspect of marketing is the target audiences you aim to attract. You are wasting your money if you try to market your services to uninterested customers. In a literal sense, we assist you in making that adjustment. You can obtain accurate and verified information on your ideal leads and prospects by using our business mailing lists.

Targeted Business Mailing Lists That We Offer

  • Industry Wise Mailing List 
  • Technology Users Mailing List 
  • Healthcare Mailing List

Why Avail Our Direct Mailing List Services?

We offer opt-in and double opt-in email lists that keep you from being added to any spam lists.

Our email lists adhere to CAN-SPAM and GDPR regulations.

To ensure you receive the data that is appropriate for you, we provide an extensive range of customization options, including geography, business age revenue, firm size, industry, and more.

Before we deliver our data for your campaigns, it is thoroughly examined and verified.

We provide you with the option to add custom fields to B2B data, such as company credit scores and those of their other service providers, etc.

Enquiry now for more info